Leaders: Eric & Lindsey Scheibe
HOTS Info:
Location: Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Day & Time: Saturdays 9am-11am
Email for more info: healing@onechapel.com
Leaders: Eric & Lindsey Scheibe
HOTS Info:
Location: Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Day & Time: Saturdays 9am-11am
Email for more info: healing@onechapel.com
Team Leader: Kim Beyer
Location: The Ohio Statehouse (N High St and E Broad St corner)
Every Saturday 1-3pm
Leader: Wilson Cochrane
Hots Info:
Location: Northgate Mall
Day & Time: Saturdays 1 – 3pm
Email for more information: wilson@vcnw.org
Team Leader: Ed Sanders
Location: Montgomery Plaza W 7th St, between Chik Fila and Target
Times: 10am to noon
For more info: http://trinityvf.org/wordpress/index.php/ministries/hots-ministry/
Leader: Amy Ross
Day & Time: 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am - 12:00pm
Location: 69th Street Transformation Centre, 6901 Market Street Upper Darby, PA 19082
Contact details: Blue Route Vineyard Community Church, amy@blueroutevineyard.com
Team Leaders: Don & Sue Sehulster
Location: 88-150 Presidential Boulevard, Paterson NJ 07522
Day: 2nd & 4th Saturday each month
Time: 12noon – 2pm
Contact information: sue@njvine.com or www.njvine.com